Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 31: All you need...

I hope that you all have gotten some good ideas from my “31 Days to a More Fashionable Life” series!  My final tip for a more fashionable life is probably the most important, and that is- Be Confident!  Whether you are rocking some flat boots, a new belt, a funky color combination, some leopard pants, black with brown, a top knot or anything else, the key to feeling and looking your best is confidence!  If you think it looks good and you wear it with confidence, everyone around you will think so too!  One of the best things that I have discovered as I am getting older is that I am more comfortable being myself.  If I like it, I wear it!  I try not to let others opinions, or the fear of others opinions stop me from being who I want to be.  I hope that when you all step out of the house today and everyday that you will know that you are beautiful the way God created you because you are made in His image! 

Make sure and check back this week, I have a really fun giveaway coming up!

Also, I would love to have some reader input for my upcoming posts. 
Do you have any…
  • Style questions?
  • Shopping questions?
  • Pieces that you don’t know how to style (send me a picture!)?
  • Any other topics would like to see?

I want to know.  I LOVE hearing from you all!